Invest in Hope: Empowering Children as Change makers

Driving Impact: Our Program in Action
In the midst of Sri Lanka, where poverty and alcoholism once cast a shadow over children’s futures, a remarkable transformation is underway. Our project empowers children to become agents of change, fostering a community where hope and opportunity flourish.

The Heartbreaking reality: A Community in Crisis

Once vibrant, various rural communities in Sri Lankaidentified by us but often overlooked- are now grappling with severe economic downturns. Daily wage earners, the backbone of these communities, have lost jobs or seen their incomes drastically reduced. Amidst this turmoil, reports reveal a heartbreaking surge in alcohol consumption within these communities, worsening the financial strain on families by redirecting vital resources away from essential needs. Malnutrition stalks their days, while illnesses gain ground without the aid of medicines or nearby clinics. As economic woes deepen, education becomes a distant dream for many, with reports of high school dropouts echoing through the troubled air.

For children, this means facing not only hunger and educational setbacks but also the shadow of domestic violence fueled by alcohol, consequently imprinting lasting scars on young minds. Shockingly, reports of underage marriages and teenage pregnancies underscore the lack of guidance and protection for these children.

The innocent childhoods of these communities are slipping away into poverty and hopelessness, risking futures before they've even begun.

Our Promise

At ADIC, we believe every child deserves a chance to thrive. Our goal is clear: to reclaim childhoods shattered by crisis and alcohol. Through targeted interventions, we provide essential support and education, empowering children to reclaim their rights and rebuild their futures.

Success Stories: Changing Lives

  • Meet Mala, Empowered by Hope

Meet Mala, a courageous 12-year-old girl whose life has been touched by our compassion. Living in the village of ……, Mala and her family once faced the harsh reality of homelessness, constantly moving and struggling to maintain stability. Her education suffered, and her father battled with alcohol, casting a shadow over their happiness. However, hope arrived through our transformative project. Mala's father, guided by the project's alcohol awareness sessions, found strength to overcome his addiction, bringing newfound peace to their home. Inspired by the project’s endeavors, Mala herself became a pillar of support, encouraging him to embrace a healthier lifestyle. With the project's assistance, their family secured a small piece of land, and Mala, empowered with newfound knowledge, not only wrote official letters to navigate challenges but also taught her siblings about children’s rights. Today, they thrive together in their own home, believing in brighter futures.

  • From Struggle to Serenity: Community-wide Happiness

Our program stands as a catalyst for profound and lasting community transformation. Mothers play a central role, actively engaged in sustainable income-generating activities such as vegetable gardening and poultry farming. This initiative has successfully strengthened economic resilience across households. Families have effectively redirected savings from former habits, such as alcohol use, resulting in reduced electricity bills. Moreover, they have adopted healthier dietary choices, significantly improving daily living standards. Harmony now prevails, conflicts have diminished, and a newfound sense of peace permeates the community we serve. Empowered mothers have emerged as champions of child rights, nurturing an environment where every child can thrive. Now, the entire community enjoys a life filled with happiness and peace.

Your Impact

Your support is the lifeline that allows us to expand our reach, touching more lives like Mala's across Sri Lanka. Together, we can break the cycle of poverty and alcohol abuse, ensuring a brighter future for generations to come.

Be Their Guardian of Hope

Imagine the joy of a child attending school eagerly, knowing their voice matters, and living happily in a neighborhood free from harm and fear. Your contribution isn’t just a donation; it’s an investment in transformative change, where every child’s potential is nurtured and celebrated.

Join us in rewriting the story for children in need. Together, we can turn challenges into opportunities, fostering a community where every child thrives. Your generosity today will make a lasting impact tomorrow.

Youth Action Network (YAN Sri Lanka): Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders Today

Who Are We?

YAN Sri Lanka is not just an organization; it is a vibrant, island-wide youth network that champions diversity and empowers young people to lead with purpose. Established on June 10th, 2019, as the youth wing of the Alcohol and Drug Information Centre (ADIC) Sri Lanka, YAN is driven by passionate individuals aged 15 to 29.   

Our grassroots network of leaders and volunteers spans across cultures and languages, united in our commitment to alcohol, tobacco, and drug prevention, alongside advocating for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) prevention, Sexual Reproductive Health (SRHR), Democracy, Human Rights, Peace Building, and Gender Equality.  

Our Vision: We envision a Vibrant Youth with Freedom and Happiness

Mission: Our mission is straightforward yet powerful: Empowering Youth Voice.

Our Guiding Principles: At YAN, we uphold our core values:  

  • Environmental Stewardship: Protecting our planet and advocating for sustainable practices.
  • Healthy Living: Promoting a culture of wellness and resilience among youth.
  • Inclusivity and Diversity: Celebrating differences and ensuring equal opportunities for all.
  • Leadership Development: Nurturing young leaders who inspire and innovate.
  • Substance use Prevention: Taking a firm stand against alcohol, tobacco, and drug promotion.
  • Impactful Advocacy: Driving policy changes and community actions for a better tomorrow.

Why YAN Matters: At YAN Sri Lanka, we turn words into meaningful actions that create real impact. Our grassroots network spans every corner of the island, empowering youth to lead with integrity and purpose. Through innovative campaigns, educational workshops, and community initiatives, we are rewriting the perception of substance use and fostering a culture of positivity and empowerment.

Be Part of Our Journey: Whether you are a potential partner seeking impactful youth-led projects or an individual eager to make a difference, YAN invites you to join our journey by supporting us with a donation. Together, we can create a society where youth are not just the leaders of tomorrow, but the architects of a brighter, healthier future today. Every donation to YAN Sri Lanka helps empower youth, drive positive change, and build resilient communities across Sri Lanka.

Breaking the Chains: Empowering Sri Lanka's Hard-to-Reach Communities Through Substance Use Reduction and Economic Empowerment

Our Transformative Project

At the Alcohol and Drug Information Center (ADIC), we are committed to reshaping the futures of Sri Lanka's hard-to-reach communities. Through targeted interventions, we aim to reduce alcohol and tobacco consumption, bringing hope and positive change to those often marginalized.

The Hidden Epidemic

In the bustling streets and impoverished villages of Sri Lanka, certain segments of the population—such as fisheries, daily wage workers, bus drivers, conductors, and laborers—are deemed 'hard-to-reach'. These communities face significant challenges accessing crucial information about the harmful effects of alcohol and tobacco. This lack of awareness contributes to stagnant rates of consumption, perpetuating cycles of health issues and economic strain. As a consequence, the essential needs of nutritious food, healthcare, education for children, and safety become increasingly uncertain. The shadow of poverty deepens, exacerbating family conflicts and domestic turmoil, placing an unbearable burden on already vulnerable households. The impact is profound: families struggle to break free from the grip of substance use, while children grow up amidst uncertainty and limited opportunities. Without targeted interventions and support, these communities’ risk being left behind, unable to overcome the barriers that hinder their health and prosperity.

Our Mission in Action

Our goal is ambitious yet essential: to significantly reduce alcohol and tobacco consumption and its economic burden in hard-to-reach communities. By empowering individuals with knowledge, support, and alternatives, we envision a future where health triumphs over substance use and prosperity replaces despair.

Stories of Transformation

  • Manikkam, A fishermen from Village Navaladi

In the coastal village of Navaladi, Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka, the transformative impact of ADIC has been vividly exemplified through the remarkable journey of S. Manikkam, a former consumer of arrack and cigarettes. Redirecting his expenditures towards his children's education, Manikkam courageously abandoned harmful habits and dispelled myths about smoking within his community.

His leadership ignited a ripple effect among fellow fishermen and families, prompting a collective reevaluation of priorities towards healthier lifestyles and educational aspirations. Today, Manikkam stands as a beacon of resilience, his children thriving academically. His story embodies a future where individual choices catalyze collective progress and community well-being.

  • Empowering Transformation in Bibila, Monaragala District

In the rural enclave of Bibila, nestled within Sri Lanka's Monaragala District, ADIC's initiatives have sparked a remarkable transformation among local farmers and daily wage workers. By actively reducing alcohol and tobacco use and enhancing their knowledge, beneficiaries have experienced a significant decrease in family conflicts and violence. This positive shift has been accompanied by improved nutritional standards, contributing to enhanced overall well-being.

Moreover, adopting healthier habits has led to increased personal happiness and notable improvements in economic stability through prudent savings practices. Beneficiaries have gained crucial insights into industry strategies and health impacts, empowering them to make informed choices for themselves and their families. This collective effort has not only changed individual behaviors but has also fostered a supportive community environment where resilience and hope flourish.

Why your support is Vital

While we have achieved significant milestones, the journey towards sustainable change is ongoing. It relies on continued support from compassionate donors like you. Your contribution will enable us to expand our reach into more hard-to-reach communities across Sri Lanka.

Join Us in Making a Difference

Your support is not just an investment in a project; it's an investment in the future of Sri Lanka's most vulnerable communities. Your generosity today will create a brighter tomorrow for those who need it most, saving more lives and lifting communities from the shadows of substance use. Join us in creating a lasting impact and building healthier, more resilient communities across the nation.