Sri Lanka Country Facts


  • Island off the south-eastern cost shores of India, 880 km north of the equator, in the Indian Ocean
    (Source: 7 00 N, 81 00 E.

  • Area: 65,610 sq Km.


Upper middle income country with a population of 21 million (21, 670, 000)


  • All schools 10,194

  • All students 4,423,260

  • Male student 50.3%

  • Female student 49.7%


Adult Literacy


Female Literacy




  • Per Capita Income of Rs. 666,817 (9263.5 USD) in 2018

  • Economic growth from 2010 to 2017 5.8%

  • Ranked 76th in Human Development Index (HDI) with a value of 0.770

  • Poverty rate decreased from 6.7 in 2012 to 4.1 in 2016

  • GDP: US$ 88.901 billion in 2018


  • Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Cause 80% of death annually. Nearly 1 in 5 people die from NCD.

  • Tobacco use, unhealthy diet, alcohol use and physical inactivity are major risk factors of NCDs

  • Adults and children living with HIV/AIDS 3500 Range (3100-4000) in 2018

  • HIV incidence per 1000 population (adults 15-49) - 0.01

  • Life expectancy: 75.5 (Female: 79.6 years, Male: 72.4 years)

  • World life expectancy ranking: 74


(Data Sources: The Government of Sri Lanka, World Health Organization (WHO) and The World Bank)